GOP led by RINO Establishment Traitors
Wikileaks has revealed what has been becoming more and more obvious: the GOP is full of traitors and establishment swamp creatures. They've sold out to the Clinton Machine and they’ve been working day and night [...]
The Real Minimum Wage is Zero
Due to minimum wage and Obamacare, we're thinking about running our operations with robots ... but maybe not this year. via GIPHY That is the real promise of the bots: an army of automated agents, [...]
Ditch Mitch
McConnell's refusing to take responsibility for his failure to deliver legislative victories and is shamelessly attempting to blame President Trump. Its time for change! Kentucky We're Counting On You To Ditch Mitch! Trump Feud [...]
Indecent Exposure
Liberals Keep Showing Us they're Nuts Announcing our newest tshirt, titled "Indecent Exposure, Liberals Keep Showing Us they're Nuts." ON SALE NOW for $15.99 This makes a great gift. Buy one right now >>
PROOF: Deep State & Media Collusion with Highest Government Liberal Officials
Why do we let them get away with it? DOJ Document Dump to ACLJ on Clinton Lynch Meeting: Comey FBI Lied, Media Collusion, Spin, and Illegality Per ACLJ: One with the subject line “FLAG”was correspondence between [...]
A Message from President Trump
A message from President Trump on the economy, the stock market at all time highs, the 16-year low unemployment rate, and the plan to fix the illegal immigration problem and the merit based immigration program [...]