The Battle Over Your Nations
How unsearchable is their endless evil, trying desperately to hide the deep darkness in their hearts. But all the while, God has His own fire tipped arrows! Suddenly, without warning, they will be pierced and [...]
RINOS Protecting the Swamp
Mitch McConnell told the President on a visit to Trump Towers after the election, "I don't want to hear any more of this Drain-The-Swamp talk." You are likely aware that the term drain the swamp, [...]
Oh No … DACA
We weep for the big corporate, technocrat, oligopolists who now have to hire Americans. - Leftists Well you know what this means. Less supply and the price goes up. In other words, these corporations are [...]
North Korean Propaganda
"We Have Lots of Food" - Kim Jung Un, Like CNN #FakeNews
Tyranny of Secrecy
CIA Whistleblower Explains the difference between the shadow government and the deep state. Further he explains how they do not answer to Congress nor the President. "Kevin Shipp was a decorated CIA officer who refused [...]
Not Funny: Swine Flu & Obamacare Timeline
In light of the exposure and clarity of the deep state working hand-in-hand with the #fakenews media, it's interesting to explore how they may have been instrumental in creating a health-scare to push their Obamacare [...]