How unsearchable is their endless evil, trying desperately to hide the deep darkness in their hearts. But all the while, God has His own fire tipped arrows! Suddenly, without warning, they will be pierced and struck down.

Psalm 64:5-7

They set their traps against us in secret; they strengthen each other, saying ‘No one can see us. Who can stop us?’ They’re nothing more than unruly mobs joined in their unholy alliance – searching out new opportunities to pervert justice, deceivers scheming together their ill-conceived plot as they plan the ‘perfect crime.”‘How unsearchable is their endless evil, trying desperately to hide the deep darkness in their hearts. But all the while, God has His own fire tipped arrows! Suddenly, without warning, they will be pierced and struck down!

Decree Destiny Over Nations

There is an urgency right now in the Spirit to be decreeing destiny over nations, and to decree what the Lord decrees. For the enemy is attempting in many ways and through many avenues to bring his schemes into the nations to abort the destiny of God and it seems like the “perfect crime”…but as the people of God rise up and are vigilant in prayer and decree, the suddenly of God is about to be seen. God has the fire-tipped arrows up His sleeve that are going to be released without warning—suddenly—and the evil schemes will be brought down.

Read More of Lana Vawser’s Prophetic Word for Sept 8th 2017 >>